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Wear Red Day

February 5, 2021


February is American Heart Month. URWELL Employee encourages you to participate in National Wear Red Day on Friday, February 5, 2021.

It’s a day for supporters to come together in support of women’s health by wearing red to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease – the leading cause of death in women.

To treat, beat and prevent heart disease and stroke, women should understand family health history and know their five key personal health numbers, which help determine risk for heart disease and stroke:

  • total cholesterol
  • HDL (good) cholesterol
  • blood pressure
  • blood sugar
  • body mass index

You can also make healthy behavior changes like moving more, eating smart, and managing blood pressure.

How to Participate

  • Wear red on February 5th! If you'd like to share a photo, use the hashtags #wearredday and #goredrva. You can even try one of these selfie stick props!
  • Make an appointment to learn your numbers with one of the On-Campus Resources below.
  • Take time to learn about heart disease with a Quick Read below.

On-Campus Resources

Blood Pressure Screenings

Regular blood pressure checks are the only way to tell if you have high blood pressure since it often creeps up slowly and quietly with no signs or symptoms. Screenings are available for University of Richmond students and employees at no charge.

Learn more

Cholesterol Screenings

Do you know what your cholesterol levels are? High cholesterol is a controllable risk factor for coronary heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Know your numbers. Screenings are available for University of Richmond students and employees at no charge.

Learn more

Fitness Assessments

A fitness assessment is a series of tests used to address your physical fitness level and aids in developing your personalized program. The results can identify your strengths and weaknesses in relation to your physical fitness and help in setting attainable fitness goals. A fitness assessment is a valuable tool used to establish baseline measurements and can be used to monitor your performance and assess your progress throughout your exercise training. To get a fitness assessment and begin your own personal training program, we invite you to take advantage of our wonderful personal training services and sign up at Member Services at the Weinstein Center for Recreation.

Learn more

Webinar - Heart to Heart: Why losing one woman is too many

Monday, February 1 | 1:00 PM

Join American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown, along with TV personality and AHA National Volunteer Star Jones, and various Real Women Class of 2021 to discuss the impact of heart disease and stroke on women with Heart to Heart conversations.

Join the webinar

Quick Reads

Know the Warning Signs for Heart Disease and Stroke

Blood Pressure Measurement Instructions

Women Need CPR, Too!

Women Face Higher Risk of Stroke

Exercise Band Workouts

Make Every Part of Your Celebration "Red" with Red Foods and Drinks!